Have an unfair advantage over your peers by downloading these USEFUL resources

Summary of Organic Chemical Reactions |
This PDF file contains all the organic reactions you need to know for O Level examination. Print a copy of this summary and fill in all the CONDITIONS required for the reactions to take place. Use it to revise right before your exam.

Summary Sheet for Electrolysis |
This PDF file contains all the important equations for Electrolysis. Print a copy of this summary sheet to see how the type of electrolytes and electrodes affect the net results.

Formula Sheet for Mole Calculations |
This PDF file contains all the mole calculation formulae you need to know for O Level examination. Print a copy of this formula sheet and refer to it until you can memorise them with understanding.

Qualitative Analysis Cation Test Flowchart |
This PDF file contains cation tests using aqueous sodium hydroxide and aqueous ammonia. Print a copy of this flowchart and refer to it whenever you are doing questions related to cation tests. After a while, you should be able to remember them.

Qualitative Analysis Anion Test Flowchart |
This PDF file contains anion tests and what can you infer from the results. Print a copy of this flowchart and refer to it whenever you are doing questions related to anions tests. After a while, you should be able to remember them.

Qualitative Analysis Flame Test |
This PDF file contains the colours of 4 most common flame tests tested for practical exams. Take a look at the colours of the flames to have a better impression of the colours.
2023/2024 *Updated*
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