Exam FormatN Level Science (Chemistry) - Sec 4 N(A)Total duration: 1 h 15 min (One paper Only)
The remaining 50% of the Science grade comes from either Physics or Biology component. Students only need to sit for 2 papers for Science (Chemistry + Physics or Biology). O Level Science (Chemistry) - Sec 5 N(A) or Sec 4 O Level TrackTotal duration for MCQ paper: 1 h
Total duration for Structured paper: 1 h 15 min
Practical Assessment - For O Level Science (Chemistry) onlyTotal duration: 1 h 30 min 30 marks - 15% of Science grade Format: 1 or 2 Questions on Chemistry (15 marks) + 1 or 2 Questions on Physics/Biology (15 marks) Implications?
Addition of New Topics1. Energy Changes 2. Speed of Reaction 3. Redox 4. Alcohols 5. Carboxylic Acids 6. Qualitative Analysis Extension of Old TopicsExperimental Design - Know how to design experiment to measure rate of reaction Identification of Ions and Gases - Describe tests for ammonia, chlorine and sulfur dioxide Mole Calculations - Formulas - Concept of limiting and excess reagent Alkenes - Addition polymerisation - Pollution problems caused by plastics These topics are exactly the same as those studied by Sec 4 O Level students. However, the questions set for these questions are no longer as simple as those seen in Sec 4 N(A) papers. Students are expected to answer questions which require them to "explain", "describe", "elaborate" or "suggest". Difficulties faced by Sec 5 students
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Mrs Lim
A Chem-Addict passionate about teaching and learning Chemistry. Archives
February 2023
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